Thursday, July 8, 2010

Decent Views

If you're into the whole enormous views, endless ridges, napping in the sunshine, and no crowds scene, then this neighborhood ridge might be up your alley. Which ridge is it, though? 'Fraid I can't say.
Mount McGinnis and Stroller White, a couple of sizeable stones loitering next to a cold sheet of ice.

Supplementing the scene with a sprinkle of scale, Jackie and Shylah contemplate the big icy to the north and the lupine and buttercups to the south.

Casually meandering amongst a few flowers, investigating a good spot for a potential afternoon nap in the sun. The Skagway-Haines-Juneau ferry can be seen approaching via the Lynn Canal in the distance.

I've read about various species of alpine goats and sheep getting harrassed by eagles, but this is the first time I've actually seen it. This eagle pressured these mountain goat kids for a few minutes, forcing them to retreat to a safer zone. If successful, the eagle would have managed to get a mountain goat kid to slip and plunge to its death, upon which the eagle would certainly have had a carrion feast. In the photo, you can see the eagle swooping upward from two mountain goat kids, near the center of the image..

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