Saturday, May 21, 2011

Copper River Valley

Well, it comes as no great surprise that I hadn't the time to post the final photos from our October road trip through the interior. Gathering my field gear for Zambia and saying bye to family down South were the priorities last fall, and I'm just now getting around to those final few days on the road with Scott. Included this time around are a couple scenes from the shores of the mighty Copper River, along with some higher elevation taiga and tundra landscapes from the Matanuska rainshadow. Juneau and Southeast Alaska are about as beautiful as it gets, but the interior definitely packs its own beautiful punch. Sometimes I wonder if I should move into the interior to collect a few more sun rays and blue skies. Who knows. It's cheaper, anyway...

Scott sitting atop the Safari Rack, consuming a Matanuska-sized landscape for lunch. This, of course, occurred after we consumed perhaps the biggest lunch the town of Glennallen has to offer.

Snowy and blowy ridges somewhere along the road to the Matanuska Valley.

And two boneheads picking an akward fight with the camera alongside the salmon-stuffed waters of the Copper River.

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