Monday, September 6, 2010

Toward the Toklat's toe, and its headwaters, too

Later the next day, I hung around the toilets at the Toklat bus stop for an hour or so, and eventually met up with my good pal Emily and her good pal Jared. We commenced our collective leg of the trip not far from the toilets, and soon found ourselves in some frightfully beautiful landscapes.

Heading upriver along the Toklat. One very blonde Toklat grizzly rambled along the side of the mountain near here. It seemed to have been riding a good sugar high, as it bounced and girated its way through the blueberry bushes. (Well, perhaps it didn't exactly girate, but it did seem to bee bop along at a pretty good clip).

Emily and Jared continuing upriver toward the enchanted peaks.

If only I were a geologist, I could describe to you what is happening on the slab of rock in the foreground of this Denali landscape. Unfortunately, I am no geologist, so I can't even speculate the formative forces behind the white and orange symbols metamorphosed into this riverbed boulder. But it sure is fancy to look at!

Emily and Jared elected to scramble across a slippery rock face adjacent to the river. I elected to scramble up the hill to avoid the slippery rock face, only to discover that I had no way down other than the way I'd just come, which provided the pair with a nice opportunity for a riverside snack as they waited. I do believe somebody is visible in the bottom right of the photo, providing a bit of scale for the scene.

Nearing the Toklat headwaters in a deliciously green valley framed by light dustings of fresh snow. Can't argue with that.

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